
The women behind the steam….


By day (and most nights) Alyssa does mad science in her laboratory.  (Real science, with clonez!).  However, mad science requires a rockin’ soundtrack!  Alyssa’s aural obsession and weird superpower of remembering all song lyrics she’s ever heard has led her to some great bands and strange places.

Alyssa was first introduced to steampunk by her roommate in 2008, who mostly just needed a ride to a concert.  She fell in love with the music and the aesthetic, and the rest, as they say, is history that never was.

Alyssa can be found djing steampunky tunes most Thursday nights at Alt.Dance in San Francisco, CA as djTeslaRose and is currently the Music Lead for Clockwork Alchemy and SteamStock 2012.  And if you’re still wanting to putz around the interwebs instead of working, you can check out her lyrics/poetry at An Uncertain Poet or follow her on Twitter at @djTeslaRose.


Kristin is a fantasy and steampunk novelist by night (with almost three books completed, the first currently being pitched to publishers). By day she does battle with obscene amounts of laundry, cleans up messes left by her collection of cats, and orders around the Steampunk Horde. This is the moniker Nathaniel Johnstone gave to her six wacky, steampunk-obsessed children, after the second time she took them to see an Abney Park show – and the name stuck. They’re relatively well-behaved, but sometimes they try to crash a Skype interview!
Kristin discovered steampunk as a musical and fashion genre in 2008, but had always been interested in the literary and visual aspects of Victorian science fiction (and romantic piracy) for as long as she can remember. Music is a huge part of her life; something loud and catchy is always playing in her house, and she can’t imagine writing without some kind of background music to inspire her.  Her writing blog can be found at kristinbaker.blogspot.com, and only occasionally she gets on Twitter, as @PirateKristin.
Check out our very first podcast here to learn more about us and our love of music and everything steampunk!

4 Responses to About

  1. Celeste Balog says:

    Congratulations, ladies! I hope it is wildly successful!

  2. Spiky says:

    Is there a way to contact you by email ?

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